Personality List

    Osamu Tezuka Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Osamu Tezuka? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Osamu Tezuka from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Osamu Tezuka

    INFP (6w7)

    Osamu Tezuka personality type is INFP, which is a type of Personality Type that is marked by a desire to go beyond the status quo, seeking new ideas and possibilities. He is a "mysterious" artist, as so many of the great ones are, and his art will likely never be known by the world at large. But he is also a man of principle, and what he believes in will be his personal pursuit, whether others agree with him, or not. He will not be affiliated with any group or organization; he will not be swayed by public opinion or the opinions of others. If something is true, then it is true- that is what he believes. He will not share this principle with others unless they are worthy of it. He will not compromise his principle, but he will certainly not take it lightly; he will act on what he believes, even if it means confrontation. He will not give up his beliefs no matter what - he will fight for them until the end.

    Tezuka's personality type is unique in that it is not well-known among other types. It is similar to the Ni personality type, except that Tezuka's Ni is far more complex than Ni usually is.

    Osamu Tezuka (Japanese: 手塚 治虫, born 手塚 治 Hepburn: Tezuka Osamu, 3 November 1928 – 9 February 1989) was a Japanese manga artist, cartoonist, animator, and film producer. Born in Osaka Prefecture, his prolific output, pioneering techniques, and innovative redefinitions of genres earned him such titles as "the father of manga", "the godfather of manga" and "the god of manga". Additionally, he is often considered the Japanese equivalent to Walt Disney, who served as a major inspiration during Tezuka's formative years. Though this phrase praises the quality of his early manga works for children and animations, it also blurs the significant influence of his later, more literary, gekiga works.

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