Personality List

    와루 "Waroo" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of 와루 "Waroo"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for 와루 "Waroo" from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    와루 "Waroo"

    ISFJ (9w1)

    와루 "Waroo" personality type is ISFJ, and the "Waroo" personality type is INFJ. In the Jungian model, INFJ is "Waroo" and ISFJ is "Heddo".

    In the Myers-Briggs model, the "Waroo" personality type is INTP, and the "Waroo" personality type is INTJ. In the Jungian model, INTJ is "Heddo" and INTP is "Waroo".

    In a Jungian perspective, the INFJ and the INTP are both "Waroo" - that is, both have an inferior function that is usually quite strong. This makes them hard to know and hard to understand, but also hard to live with. They are very original and creative, but also very stubborn and inflexible. They can be very upset by any perceived slight or insult because they feel it reflects poorly on them. They are very concerned with the opinions of others, and will often try to avoid hurting people's feelings. They can be very creative and original, but also very impractical and lacking in a sense of timing. They can be very creative and original, but also very impractical and lacking in a sense of timing.

    Waroo is best known for being the artist of Hello Little Ghost. for being the author & artist of Shower, Smile Brush: My Old Pictures, and Smile Brush. His comics are mostly about simplistic things from everyday life with a punchline or an emotional moment included. He is most known for his expertise in storytelling based on experience and the effectiveness of using very little to convey an idea or an emotion.

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