Personality List

    Lana Blakely Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lana Blakely? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lana Blakely from Psychology & Personal Development and what is the personality traits.

    Lana Blakely

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Lana Blakely personality type is ISTJ, or Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. This type is also known as the “The Inspector.”

    Lana’s typical day includes:

    Morning: Before work she gets up, dresses and fixes her hair and makeup. She then leaves for work.

    Afternoon: After her 9-5, she returns home and relaxes.

    Evening: After work she returns home and relaxes.

    Closing Thoughts: Here is what it means to be ISTJ:

    Great at order and organization. They are great planners and will take great care of their things. They tend to be quite private and can be very closed off. They like to do things their way and they allow others to do things their way as well! They tend to be very hard working and productive and like to keep a clear path and order in all that they do. They usually don’t enjoy making decisions and tend to keep it simple and easy for them. They like to keep things simple and logical as well as logical and factual. They can be rule-followers as well as good at following rules.

    "A seed planted in Sweden seeking to grow through exploring (mostly philosophical and social) topics." - YouTube channel about

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