Personality List

    Molly Owens Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Molly Owens? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Molly Owens from Psychology & Personal Development and what is the personality traits.

    Molly Owens

    ENTP (XwX)

    Molly Owens personality type is ENTP, the “Rambunctious”.

    ENTPs are known for their ability to think independently, their quick and sharp mind, their capacity to see the big picture, and their irrepressible curiosity. They are usually intelligent, and often have a wide range of interests and hobbies. They are usually quite articulate, extremely well-read and appear to have a natural curiosity about everything. In social situations, ENTPs are often seen as highly intelligent, playful and charming.

    ENTPs are often described as natural-born sales people and leaders. They are often seen as charismatic, charming and impressive and often have a natural tendency to become successful in sales and leadership roles.

    ENTPs are known for their quick wit, deep understanding of people and the ability to see things from many different perspectives. ENTPs often seem to have an innate understanding of what people are feeling and may be able to sense what others are thinking before they say it.

    ENTPs are naturally curious, intelligent and charismatic. The more you know about ENTPs the more you will realize how much they have to offer and how many gifts of the spirit they can bring to your life.

    Molly Owens is the founder & CEO of Truity Psychometrics LLC, a California-based provider of online personality & career assessments.

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