Personality List

    B. DURIEZ Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of B. DURIEZ? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for B. DURIEZ from Psychology & Neuroscience and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (1w9)

    B. DURIEZ personality type is INFJ, or the “Counselor” type. They are warm, empathetic, and capable of great care and compassion. INFJs are often seen as “the counselor” type because of their ability to empathize with their clients. But they would be the first to tell you that they are not “just therapists” or “just counselors.” INFJs are people who feel deeply, who care deeply, and who want to do whatever they can to help others.

    When INFJs get stuck in one area of life, however, they may be unable to move past that. For instance, INFJs may become adept at solving puzzles or problems or solving others’ problems. When their work is done, however, they may feel like they have nothing left to contribute. INFJs may become adept at solving puzzles or problems or solving others’ problems. When their work is done, however, they may feel like they have nothing left to contribute. This is often referred to as an “existential crisis” for INFJs because it manifests itself as a feeling of not knowing what it means to be alive.

    I was a postdoc at the psychology department of the KU Leuven (Belgium) where I conducted research on a variety of topics including authoritarianism, intergroup relations, prejudice, religiosity, goals and values, morality, personality, empathy, well-being, attachment, processes of personal, social and national identity, and parent and peer influences. During this time, I taught courses in developmental psychology, personality psychology and research methods, and supervised several master and PhD students. Currently, I am a part-time researcher at the Karel De Grote Hogeschool. Mister Rabbit is my less neurotic alter. He is a true rock ‘n’ roll animal with a keen interest in art, photography, web design, and graphic design. Mister Rabbit and I take on freelance assignments in each of these fields.

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