Personality List

    Anna Chapman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anna Chapman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anna Chapman from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Anna Chapman

    INTJ (5w6)

    Anna Chapman personality type is INTJ, the intelligent perceiving type. This is Jung’s thinking, perceiving, judging type.

    Jung’s thinking type is the most common type in the world, accounting for about 50% of all individuals.

    Introversion is associated with introverted thinking, not extraverted thinking.

    Extraversion is associated with extraverted feeling, not introverted feeling.

    Extraverted feeling is associated with extroverted sensation, not introverted sensation.

    Introverted sensation is associated with introverted intuition, not extraverted intuition.

    The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is not Jung’s type indicator. It was created by two Jungian analysts, Isabel Briggs Myers and Paul H. Myers, who based it on their work with clients. The MBTI is a tool for organizing and understanding people’s preferences, not determining types. The MBTI is the most popular tool for Jungian analysis today, but is not an accurate indicator of Jung’s types. It does not include functions or some of the other key distinctions in Jung’s typology.

    Anna Vasilyevna Chapman (Russian: А́нна Васи́льевна Ча́пман, born Anna Vasil’yevna Kushchyenko 23 February 1982) is a Russian intelligence agent, media personality, and model who was arrested in the United States on June 27, 2010 as part of the Illegals Program spy ring. At the time of her arrest she was accused of espionage on behalf of the Russian Federation's external intelligence agency, the Sluzhba vneshney razvedki (SVR). After her arrest by the FBI for her part in the Illegals Program, Chapman gained celebrity status.

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