Personality List

    Lelush Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lelush? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lelush from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (9w1)

    Lelush personality type is ISTP, so maybe you are more ISTP than ISTP type.

    It's not necessarily a bad thing. ISTP personality types are extremely loyal and trustworthy, so if the ISTP is the type of person you want to be with, then go ahead and get involved.

    Don't overlook the fact that the ISTP personality type is often misunderstood: they're not necessarily cold and unfeeling, just cautious and practical. They don't like to get in the middle of things and prefer to observe and analyze before taking action.

    It doesn't mean that they're not social, they just don't like to get in the middle of other people's drama at work or at home. They like to make their own drama and do what they feel is right for them, and they can be stubborn and headstrong about it at times.

    ISTP personality types will often say things like "I don't want to get in the middle of this" or "I'm not the one who needs to be doing all of this" and then do exactly that. Not because they don't care about what's going on, but because they're following their instincts and doing what they know will make them happy.

    Lelush (利路修), real name Vladislav Sidorov (Владислав Сидоров), is a trainee on Produce Camp 2021 (Chinese: 创造营2021), officially known as CHUANG 2021.

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