Personality List

    Nicole Richie Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Nicole Richie? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Nicole Richie from Famous For Being Famous and what is the personality traits.

    Nicole Richie

    ESTP (7w8)

    Nicole Richie personality type is ESTP, which means she is good with people.

    How do you know if Nicole Richie is talking about you?

    She will call you “sweetie” or “darling” when you meet.

    Nicole Richie is most comfortable with people she knows very well.

    Nicole Richie has confirmed that she is dating John Mayer.

    Nicole Richie is bisexual.

    Nicole Richie is famous because of her relationship with Nicole Kidman.

    Nicole Richie is insecure about her body.

    Nicole Richie likes to be attractive.

    Nicole Richie has rarely been photographed without her long, blonde hair.

    Nicole Camille Richie (née Escovedo; born September 21, 1981) is an American television personality, fashion designer, author, socialite and actress. Richie rose to prominence for her role in the Fox reality television series The Simple Life, alongside her childhood best friend and fellow socialite Paris Hilton, which lasted five seasons. The Simple Life was a hit for the Fox network, premiering with 13 million viewers. Richie's personal life attracted significant media attention during The Simple Life's five-year run, and she was a constant fixture of tabloid journalism before and after her appearance.

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