Personality List

    Shimon Peres Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Shimon Peres? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Shimon Peres from Historical Figures 1900s and what is the personality traits.

    Shimon Peres

    ENTP (6w7)

    Shimon Peres personality type is ENTP, a combination of the letters ENFP and INTJ.

    ENTPs are typically described as rational, thoughtful, curious, and imaginative. They are known for their ability to see possibilities in situations which others might miss. They are often considered “visionaries.”

    The ENTP personality type is also commonly associated with “communicating,” “leadership,” “creativity,” “artistic abilities,” and “theory.”

    Each Myers-Briggs® personality type is described in terms of four letters. The first letter is the MBTI type’s most important function, the letter that represents the type’s dominant cognitive process. The second letter indicates the type’s secondary process, which is not as important to the type but still plays an important role in the way they process information. The last two letters indicate the two extraverted functions; in this case, the ENTP has the extraverted intuition ( intuition ) and extraverted thinking ( thinking ).

    As an ENTP , you are most likeable when you can demonstrate how your thinking process enables you to see things that others might miss.

    Shimon Peres was an Israeli politician who served as the ninth President of Israel, the Prime Minister of Israel, and the Interim Prime Minister, in the 1970s to the 1990s. He was a member of twelve cabinets and represented five political parties in a political career spanning 70 years. As Foreign Minister under Prime Minister Rabin, Peres engineered the 1994 Israel–Jordan peace treaty, and won the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize together with Rabin and Yasser Arafat for the Oslo Accords peace talks with the Palestinian leadership.

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