Personality List

    Augustus II the Strong Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Augustus II the Strong? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Augustus II the Strong from Historical Figures 1700s and what is the personality traits.

    Augustus II the Strong

    ESFP (8w7)

    Augustus II the Strong personality type is ESFP, which may be followed by the letters N and F and the digits 2 and 3.

    Augustus II the Strong was a king of Poland and Elector of Saxony, and King of Sweden and Norway. He was the only surviving son of Augustus III, and Hedwig of Denmark.

    Augustus II the Strong was born on 16 January 1670 in Warsaw. He was the eldest son of the Elector Augustus II the Strong and his wife, Maria Amalia, daughter of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine. Augustus was given the title Duke of Saxony in 1694 and elected King of Poland in 1697. His mother died in 1694, and Augustus was left to care for his younger siblings, who died without issue. In 1699, Augustus was elected King of Sweden and Norway by royal charter. He converted to Catholicism in 1706 to secure the throne of Sweden for himself and his heirs.

    After the Polish parliament's election of Augustus as King in 1697, he began to use the title "King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania" (Latin: Rex Poloniae et Dux Lituaniae). The Polish nobility rejected this title and continued to refer to him as "King of Poland".

    Augustus II the Strong (Polish: August II Mocny; German: August der Starke; Lithuanian: Augustas II; 12 May 1670 – 1 February 1733), also known in Saxony as Frederick Augustus I, was Elector of Saxony from 1697, Imperial Vicar and elected King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in the years 1697–1706 and from 1709 until his death in 1733. He was succeeded by his son, Augustus III of Poland. Augustus' great physical strength earned him the nicknames "the Strong", "the Saxon Hercules" and "Iron-Hand". He liked to show that he lived up to his name by breaking horseshoes with his bare hands and engaging in fox tossing by holding the end of his sling with just one finger while two of the strongest men in his court held the other end. He is also notable for fathering a very large number of children. In order to be elected King of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Augustus converted to Roman Catholicism. As a Catholic, he received the Order of the Golden Fleece.

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