Personality List

    Charles James Fox Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Charles James Fox? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Charles James Fox from Historical Figures 1700s and what is the personality traits.

    Charles James Fox

    ENTP (7w8)

    Charles James Fox personality type is ENTP, which is the last of the 16 personality types. ENTPs are the most intellectually curious, yet they are also the least focused on practical matters. They have a tendency to think in terms of possibilities, and they prefer not to take any chance. They are the most innovative and original of all personality types, which is why they are so successful.

    They are also the most likely to have a sexual identity crisis during adolescence. ENTPs are more likely to be bisexual than any other type. In fact, they have an extremely high proportion of bisexuals in their population. They are also more likely to have had a sexual experience with a person of the same sex than any other type. According to their type stats, about 30% of ENTPs have had sexual experiences with someone of the same sex.

    2. INTJ

    INTJ personality type is INTP, which is the last of the 16 personality types. INTPs are the most introverted of all types, and they are often called “the thinkers.” They often have high IQs and are very intelligent, but they are also very private and don’t like people to know about them or discuss them at all.

    Charles James Fox (January 24th, 1749 –September 13th, 1806) was a British Whig Politician who championed many liberal causes, such as the emancipation of slavery, and an attempt to curb the power of the monarchy. He was Britain's first Foreign Secretary.

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