Personality List

    Daniel Hyacinthe Liénard de Beaujeu Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Daniel Hyacinthe Liénard de Beaujeu? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Daniel Hyacinthe Liénard de Beaujeu from Historical Figures 1700s and what is the personality traits.

    Daniel Hyacinthe Liénard de Beaujeu

    Daniel Hyacinthe Liénard de Beaujeu (9 or 19 August 1711 – 9 July 1755) was a French officer during King George's War and the French and Indian War.[1][2][3] He participated in the Battle of Grand Pre (1747).[2] He also organized the force that attacked General Edward Braddock's army after it forded the Monongahela River. The event was later dubbed the Battle of the Monongahela. Beaujeu led his small force into the attack, where he was shot dead in the opening moments when the attack was launched on July 9, 1755. However, his adoption of Native American customs, such as wearing war paint and regalia, helped raise the morale and fighting tenacity of the warriors under his command.

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