Personality List

    Joaquim Silvério dos Reis Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Joaquim Silvério dos Reis? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Joaquim Silvério dos Reis from Historical Figures 1700s and what is the personality traits.

    Joaquim Silvério dos Reis

    ESFJ (XwX)

    Joaquim Silvério dos Reis personality type is ESFJ, it is the most common personality type in the world, being the second most common type of personality, after ISFJ.

    The ESFJ personality type is the most common of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. ESFJs have a great need to give and receive affection, and are sometimes called "the persons" because of their tendency to focus on the needs of others first. They are also very responsible and responsible, and are often falsely accused of being over-organized. ESFJs are the most common of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types, making up over 75% of the population of MBTI® practitioners worldwide. And of all MBTI® personality types, ESFJ is the most common.

    The ESFJ personality type describes an individual who's primary, secondary, or tertiary value is Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, iNtuition.

    For this personality type it is important to have a clear sense of values and principles that will guide your life. ESFJs are more concerned with the people they care about more than with their own personal values or principles, but they can usually articulate their personal principles.

    Joaquim Silvério dos Reis (1756-1819) was a conspirator who betrayed the Inconfidência Mineira in exchange for having his taxes waived.

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