Personality List

    Dylan Perentis (Too Savage For Democrats) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dylan Perentis (Too Savage For Democrats)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dylan Perentis (Too Savage For Democrats) from Political Commentators and what is the personality traits.

    Dylan Perentis (Too Savage For Democrats)

    ENTP (7w8)

    Dylan Perentis (Too Savage For Democrats) personality type is ENTP, which is a rare type that has been described as "twenty-first-century people". ENTPs are over-achievers, theorizing and analyzing from a young age, and have a natural curiosity for science, math, technology, philosophy, and art. They tend to have a deep desire to understand the world, and often dream of attending a real science or engineering school.

    Has an Instagram channel called too_savage_for_democrats which has over 500k followers. Big Trump supporter. Also has a podcast channel on Youtube called Dylan's Daily Show.

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