Personality List

    Flower Pot Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Flower Pot? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Flower Pot from Plants Vs Zombies and what is the personality traits.

    Flower Pot

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Flower Pot personality type is ISFJ, Intuitive Sensing Feeling Judging, a true nurturer who is a “people-person” who can be very kind and loving to others. ISFJs don’t believe in shutting the door on anyone. They desire to be helpful and supportive to others and they enjoy helping people. ISFJs tend to be the ones who take the lead in nurturing and supporting their friends and family. ISFJs know what they want in life and what they need in order to feel happy and fulfilled. They want to feel needed and wanted and they want to feel like they are helping others. They just want to be there for everyone and they want to help others in any way they can.

    They tend to be the most kind, compassionate and empathetic individuals, but they tend to be the most overlooked and underappreciated ones. When you meet an ISFJ, you will notice that they seem like the happiest, best person in the world (most of the time) and you will notice that everyone else seems happy and peaceful around them. They are the ones who will ask you how you are doing and tell you that they love you no matter what.

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