Personality List

    Adrián Nario "El Bananero" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Adrián Nario "El Bananero"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Adrián Nario "El Bananero" from Comedians and what is the personality traits.

    Adrián Nario "El Bananero"

    ENTP (7w6)

    Adrián Nario "El Bananero" personality type is ENTP, or "The Adventurer." These are people who like to go out and live life to the fullest. They are usually good at social situations and love to be the center of attention. They are usually charismatic, fun-loving people who are very good at thinking logically. They can be very charismatic and talented in the arts, but their charisma is not the only thing they possess. The ENTP personality type enjoys great success because of his or her ability to think logically, which makes for rapid advancement in any profession.

    Adrián Nario "El Bananero" personality type is ENTP, or "The Adventurer." These are people who like to go out and live life to the fullest. They are usually good at social situations and love to be the center of attention. They are usually charismatic, fun-loving people who are very good at thinking logically. They can be very charismatic and talented in the arts, but their charisma is not the only thing they possess. The ENTP personality type enjoys great success because of his or her ability to think logically, which makes for rapid advancement in any profession.

    Adrián Nario "El Bananero" personality type is ENTP, or "The Adventurer.

    Adrián Maximiliano Nario, también conocido como El Bananero, es un productor estadounidense y fenómeno de Internet conocido por subir vídeos de clase B con humor irreverente y lenguaje obsceno a su sitio web y luego a YouTube.

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