Personality List

    Dorothy Elford Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dorothy Elford? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dorothy Elford from Witchs Heart and what is the personality traits.

    Dorothy Elford

    ENFJ (9w1)

    Dorothy Elford personality type is ENFJ, some people prefer the abbreviation ISTJ. ENFJ personality types are warm, compassionate, caring, and supportive, yet they are also very loyal, sensitive, stable, and assertive. They are good listeners and are usually able to express their own thoughts and feelings clearly. ENFJs are very open, honest, and sincere people who value loyalty, trust, and friendship. They are also very socially oriented and can find many ways to help others. ENFJs are often very concerned about the affairs of others. They are usually leaders in their family. ENFJs are capable of great happiness if they are surrounded by friends and family who are compatible with them. If they are not, they can become lonely or depressed.

    ENFJs are the most common personality type among women. They tend to be more complex than other personality types, making it hard to understand all their traits. ENFJs are often good at understanding others. They have a knack for being able to see the bigger picture and they often have their own opinions about things that others may not think about. ENFJs have a strong sense of justice and fairness, but they may sometimes be too idealistic to see the realities of life.

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