Personality List

    Elizabeth ''Effy'' Stonem Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Elizabeth ''Effy'' Stonem? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Elizabeth ''Effy'' Stonem from Skins Uk 2007 and what is the personality traits.

    Elizabeth ''Effy'' Stonem

    INTJ (5w4)

    Elizabeth ''Effy'' Stonem personality type is INTJ, which is an abbreviation for Intuitive Thinking Judging. She is very smart, hardworking, and meticulous. She is also very level-headed and understanding of others' emotions, but she does have a dry sense of humor. She is very strict with who she wants to be, but she does have a soft spot for her friends. She is very self-confident, but she does have a bad habit of being stubborn.

    , she was heavily brought up by her dad, who is a very strict man who used to be a police officer. He would make her do chores, get up at 6 am, and do her homework. He would always get mad when she disobeyed him, but he never did it in a mean way. He would get mad for not doing her chores or doing her homework right, but he never got mad at her for not having enough money. He did not show his anger towards Effy, not once. Her mother did not really care about Effy's feelings, because she was always too busy with her new baby brother. Whenever Effy was getting mad at her dad for something, her mom would tell her to go away because she was being noisy.

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