Personality List

    Luigi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Luigi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Luigi from Smg4 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (6w7)

    Luigi personality type is ISFJ, or the Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging type.

    Introverted: The introverted personality has a strong need for privacy and a great deal of self-reliance. He approaches problems slowly and carefully, and his decision making is based on careful consideration of the facts and careful planning. He will not make a decision until he is very sure that he has considered all alternatives.

    Sensing: The sensing personality has a strong interest in the physical world around him, including his own body and its sensations. He is aware of his own needs and those of others, and easily assesses situations to determine if they are safe or dangerous. He is very aware of his own physical state and can sense changes in it, such as pain or hunger.

    Feeling: The feeling personality is very sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. He takes responsibility for meeting those needs and desires, and will consider anyone's feelings before he acts. He is very loyal to those he loves and will put their needs above his own. His care for others can be quite extensive.

    Judging: The judging personality is decisive, reliable, and fair.

    Luigi is a classic major character and the deuteragonist of the SMG4 series.

    He is a green-clad Italian plumber from the Super Mario franchise, Mario's younger twin brother/sidekick, an innocent citizen of the Mushroom Kingdom, the lover(?) of Daisy (it's unknown if they are still dating), and a loyal member of SMG4's Gang. He went on many adventures throughout the years and would often be there to handle Mario's shenanigans.

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