Personality List

    Axol Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Axol? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Axol from Smg4 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (7w6)

    Axol personality type is ISFP, which is the Se, Fi, Fe, & Si type, with the later two being more dominant. This makes sense because he's shy, introverted, contemplative, and has a hard time making friends.

    I believe he is more introverted than extroverted since he leaves all his chores to his mom and is not very social. But if he's not doing something, he is thinking about it. He loves to read books and see movies, but he's also a creative genius. When he's writing something, he's usually so deep in thought that he won't notice anything going on around him. He is very smart and creative.

    He is a deep thinker and a dreamer. He never seems to be aware of his surroundings at all. He does have a good memory for facts and figures, but he sometimes forgets people's names or faces. His handwriting is very neat and perfect. He can usually get good grades in school, but he often forgets the directions on tests and assignments. He has a hard time understanding what people are saying to him. He can be very forgetful and disorganized. He has a hard time paying attention to what's going on around him.

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