Personality List

    Aipom (Eipam) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Aipom (Eipam)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Aipom (Eipam) from Pokemon and what is the personality traits.

    Aipom (Eipam)

    ESFP (7w6)

    Aipom (Eipam) personality type is ESFP, which is the ESFJ personality with a few exceptions. ESFJs are really fun to be around, but they can be a little bit overfriendly with people they know.

    Aipom is very friendly, but he’s also very enthusiastic. He’s also very outgoing, which makes him very good at winning people over with his personality. ESFJs are very social, which is what makes them so popular. Aipom’s enthusiasm is something that people really enjoy, but it can also be annoying to others. Aipom is also very excited about his goals and will do anything to achieve them.

    The negative traits of an Aipom personality type are the same as the ESFJ personality type. Aipom’s enthusiasm can actually get in the way of his goals. He's also not very good at dealing with criticism, which means he can be pretty sensitive. That being said, Aipom is especially social, so he can easily find friends with this personality type.

    Aipom is the only one of the Eipam personalities who doesn’t have the word “mouse” in his name.

    Aipom uses its powerful tail freely and cleverly for many purposes. The tail is strong enough to anchor Aipom to a branch and suspend the rest of its body in the air, but also delicate enough to pick fruit and manipulate objects. Aipom has been known to wrap its tail around tree branches as it sleeps so it does not fall. Since Aipom uses its tail so much, its actual arms are not as dexterous and become clumsy over time. Aipom lives high in the treetops of tropical, temperate, and even boreal forests, using its tail for balance as it swings from branch to branch.

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