Personality List

    Darkrai Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Darkrai? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Darkrai from Pokemon and what is the personality traits.


    INTJ (4w5)

    Darkrai personality type is INTJ, which is the most common personality type among video game characters, according to the Enneagram Institute. INTJ characters are usually intellectual, analytical, and are often very witty. They are motivated by logic and the quest for knowledge. As a result, they tend to be philosophically driven, which is why they are so good at analysis. Think of Professor Layton.

    That said, INTJ’s tend to be very solitary people. For this reason, many of them prefer to live alone. They often like to spend their time writing or reading. Others like to travel, or simply prefer to spend their time alone in their own head.

    The Darkrai type is also very introverted, preferring to spend time alone with their thoughts. They are good listeners, but don’t tend to engage in conversation very much. The one exception to this is when it comes to dark themes, like death or horror. Darkrai is the only Dark type that has the ability to use the move Dark Void.

    As for their relationships with others, INTJ’s are very independent people who don’t like to rely on others.

    Darkrai is known to "inhabit" dreams and causes the target to have unending nightmares, which can be stopped if exposed to a Lunar Wing from Cresselia. However, the "unleashing of nightmares" is actually a defense mechanism, instead of an intentionally malicious act. It can become a shadow and escape danger or contact with humans. It is also capable of some human speech.

    In The Rise of Darkrai, it was shown its power was weaker than that of Dialga and Palkia. Its relationship to its counterpart, Cresselia, can vary between individuals and canons, being antagonistic or cooperative. As seen in Sleepless In Pre-Battle!, Darkrai does not only cause nightmares; it is also attracted to them. It can also go around objects it is attracted to several times, as seen in the mentioned episode and Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia. Darkrai is said to be active during nights of the new moon. Darkrai possibly feeds off dreams, characterized by its association with never-ending nightmares.

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