Personality List

    Lilligant (Dredear) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lilligant (Dredear)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lilligant (Dredear) from Pokemon and what is the personality traits.

    Lilligant (Dredear)

    ENFJ (2w3)

    Lilligant (Dredear) personality type is ENTJ, which means that they are an analyzer, which is an individual who uses logic to make decisions, and they are also a realist, which means they value truth over appearances.

    When it comes to Lilligant, it’s not all that obvious that an ENTJ is behind this Pokémon. The green ring on the top of its head, which is visible in most of its artwork, is actually a leaf that seems to be hiding its face. It’s not easy to see in the game, but the character select screen for this Pokémon reveals the leaf, so it can be spotted if you look closely.

    The Pokémon’s name may seem odd at first, but it’s not so strange when you realize that “Lilligant” is typically translated from Japanese as “scenery flower.” According to the Game Freak website, Lilligant is based off of a species of flowering plant that was originally found in Korea. This species grows in the mountains and is known for being extremely hard to find. This Pokémon looks similar to other members of its species, but its flower is green instead of purple.

    Though Lilligant is popular with celebrities, veteran Trainers and first-rate gardeners alike have struggled to coax the flower on Lilligant's head into blooming. The flowers bloomed by Lilligant in the wild are also said to be the most beautiful despite all these efforts. Once it blooms, it will wilt if Lilligant is then neglected or when it finds a male partner. The flower emits a sweet-smelling aroma, and it is believed to have a relaxing effect on those exposed to the scent. The flower's fragrance differs slightly depending on the soil it was cultivated in. The oil made by Lilligant's flowers has a sublime scent and is very expensive to buy. It is a rare Pokémon that lives in forests.

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