Personality List

    Valenka Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Valenka? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Valenka from James Bond Film Series and what is the personality traits.


    ESTP (6w7)

    Valenka personality type is ESTP, or Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perception. Valenka's ESTP personality type is one that is extremely outgoing and quick-witted. You are very perceptive, and can read people easily. You are able to keep up with the various thoughts and ideas of others as well as be able to keep up with your own. You are also very aware of your surroundings, and are able to take advantage of them at the right time. You can also be very sensitive, and are able to notice when you are being lied too.

    ESTPs have the ability to make quick decisions and act on them, which is why they have a reputation for being decisive and quick-witted. Being ESTPs, you are also very optimistic, and tend to have a good time. This can sometimes come at the expense of your own security. They do not like to be bored, and will do anything to make things more interesting. They are also known as attention-seekers, but when they want something very badly, they are not likely to give up on it unless they want to take extreme measures.

    ESTPs also tend to be bold and loud.

    Appeared in "Casino Royale". Le Chiffre's girlfriend. Played by Ivana Milicevic.

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