Personality List

    Boris Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Boris? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Boris from Archer and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (6w7)

    Boris personality type is ISFP, so he's introverted (I) and intuitive (S) but not extroverted (F). His preference is Feeling, so his feeling function is Fi, and his sensing function is Si.

    I've been studying ISTJs all my life, so I know some ISTJ mindsets, and I think I can help you if you're an ISTJ.

    This is Jessica, who is an ISTJ. I am an ISTJ, too, although I don't claim to have all the answers.

    You're probably tired of hearing me say this, but ISTJs are the most loyal of the 16 types. You're a highly organized person who does not get easily distracted by trivial things. (I'll bet you've been called "boring" a few times because you don't pull any punches.)

    You like structure, order, rules, and predictability. You're a go-getter who doesn't mind doing things the hard way if that's what it takes to get something done. You're practical and serious, and you don't see much point in wasting time on things that aren't going to work out.

    Boris AKA Jakov's Assistant, is a reliable KGB soldier that often assists Nikolai Jakov with a variety of tasks as he is desperate for Nikolai's attention.

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