Personality List

    Yona Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Yona? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Yona from Enen No Shouboutai and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (6w7)

    Yona personality type is ENTP, the entrepreneurial personality on the INTP scale. ENTP's are very motivated to learn, and on a purely intuitive basis, they have a great deal of insight into the underlying structures of the world. They are also extremely creative. ENTP's tend to be high-energy people, who truly enjoy the world of ideas and innovation. ENTP's are highly interested in learning about how things work, and in creating new things that haven't yet been created. ENTP's are often seen as the innovators, because their motivation is so high. ENTP's tend to be very trusting, because they base their judgments of people on their intuition. ENTP's are usually very competitive, and they enjoy intellectual challenges, so they are often seen as the "winners" in games.

    However, this type of competitiveness is often misunderstood in that it is not meant to be used in a two-sided way. While ENTP's are very competitive, they are not like other types in that they don't generally compete against others for the sake of winning. ENTP's are not in it for winning; they are in it for winning the game.

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