Personality List

    Madd Dogg Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Madd Dogg? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Madd Dogg from Gr& Theft Auto Series and what is the personality traits.

    Madd Dogg

    INFP (6w5)

    Madd Dogg personality type is ISFP, which is an artist, who enjoys art and music. ISFPs feel the need to express themselves through their creations and do so through art and music. They can be very creative and use this creativity to provide a means of personal expression. They tend to be more reserved and calm than other types, tending to be quiet and thoughtful. ISFPs are often known for their kind and sincere nature.

    ISFPs are extremely empathetic and caring towards others, especially those who are close to them. This makes them good listeners and they often can sense when people are upset or having a hard time. They often have a great rapport with children and will be good with them from the very start.

    ISFPs who have a dominant Se or Te trait will be good at solving problems and usually good at taking care of things. They will be very organized and know how to keep things neat and tidy. They will be excellent at keeping a clean house and parts of their home will be spotless.

    ISFPs will also have a good sense of humor, but they do tend to have a dry wit that can be funny in its own way.

    Madd Dogg is a rapper from Los Santos, who resides in a mansion in Mulholland. When Carl Johnson returns to Los Santos, Madd Dogg is at the height of his career, having just launched his own line of clothing. However, he later begins to suffer from depression after Carl Johnson begins to sabotage his career, by stealing his rhyme book and killing his manager, Alan Crawford. Madd Dogg later flees to Las Venturas, having given his mansion to Big Poppa in exchange for drugs. He attempts to commit suicide but is rescued by Carl, who later becomes his manager and helps to re-build his career. Madd Dogg went on to release a gold record by the end of 1992.

    Voiced by Ice-T.

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