What is the personality type of Col. Kovalsky? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Col. Kovalsky from Stalker Call Of Pripyat and what is the personality traits.
Col. Kovalsky personality type is ESFJ, ESFJ, ESFJ.
There are many different ways to categorize people within the Myers Briggs system, but one of the most useful (and simplest) is to place people into one or another of three types: Extrovert, Introvert, or Observer. These types have been studied extensively, and each type has certain psychological tendencies that are clearly associated with it.
Here are the three types:
Type Extrovert Introvert Observer Introvert Extrovert Extrovert Extrovert Extrovert Introvert Introvert Introvert Introvert Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer Observers (3 of the 16 types) are, in many ways, the opposite of their more obvious counterparts. They are reserved and cautious, lacking in spontaneity and excitement. The more reserved an observer type, the less likely he or she is to fit the stereotype that observers are somehow passive, uninterested, and not motivated by emotion. That is true, to a degree. Observers are by nature quiet and calm, preferring to observe rather than participate. This can lead them to appear aloof and detached. In fact, they are the opposite.