Personality List

    Geno Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Geno? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Geno from Super Mario Brothers and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w2)

    Geno personality type is INTJ, since in a moment of inattention a minor detail in the environment can trigger a catastrophic accident in a person with this personality type.

    INTJ-Ps are highly intelligent people who are interested in the practical applications of their intelligence. They are often very serious and often wear black.

    They are rational and logical and they don't like to waste time on anything that isn't useful to them. They don't waste time on things that they find useless, because they think that they have a life to lead and a job to do, and if something is going to hold them back from doing it, they simply will not do it.

    INTJs are a type of "mind-thinker" who is usually very logical and practical. They are also the most likely to be recognized as possessing the rarer "Type-NT" or "NT" personality type.

    This type of Intellectually Gifted Personality is an important addition to the INTJ Personality Type category, since it makes it possible to understand how INTJs act in different environments.

    INTJ Intellectually Gifted Types

    INTJ-Thinking Types

    “I serve… a higher authority…”

    Geno (whose real name is ♡♪!?) is a warrior from Star Road and one of Mario's partners in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. He is sent by "a higher authority" to restore peace to Mario's world. During the events of Super Mario RPG, he teams up with Mario's team, which consists of Mario, Mallow, Princess Toadstool and Bowser and helps them out on their quest to defeat Smithy. In battle, he has high attack, but lower defense.

    Geno's personality is strongly based on his confidence and attitude. Geno has more of a defiant, heroic attitude. His eagerness to confront the villain may be due to his status as an authority figure from Star Road. He also tends to show more enthusiasm than any other party member.

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