What is the personality type of Remedios Moscote (2nd Generation)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Remedios Moscote (2nd Generation) from One Hundred Years Of Solitude and what is the personality traits.
Remedios Moscote (2nd Generation) personality type is ESFJ, which stands for Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment and is the most frequently occurring type of personality.
Recognizing ESFJ in a Personality Type
Extraversion (E) - The ESFJ personality type is highly extraverted, and usually shows a lot of outgoing energy in their daily life. They are big talkers, big planners and big earners. They are very sociable, and will often seek out the company of others, especially friends, family and coworkers. They are talkative and have a good sense of humor. They often have an over abundance of friends, as well as many acquaintances, who will be very happy to see them.
Sensing (S) - ESFJ personalities usually have a very keen sense of smell, which can be used in social situations for empathy. They also have a good sense of taste, and can tell if someone is lying by the way they taste on their tongues. They are very empathetic individuals, who will be able to pick up on others' emotions and moods. ESFJs are also very sensitive to all kinds of sensory stimuli, such as music, colors, perfumes and so on.