Personality List

    Theron Shan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Theron Shan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Theron Shan from Star Wars The Old Republic and what is the personality traits.

    Theron Shan

    ENTP (6w5)

    Theron Shan personality type is ENTP, or explorer. ENTPs are usually the most restless, the most outgoing, and the most outspoken of all the types. They have a nearly pathological need to explore new ways of looking at things and new ways of doing things. They are the “lone rangers” among us, always pushing off on the trail, looking for something to do or someplace to go. They are, in a word, restless.

    The ENTP personality type is also known as the “Adventurer” because they are really always on the move. They often feel their personal mission in life is to “go out and see the world.” They tend to be very liberal in their ideas, and are sometimes labeled as “skeptical” or just “odd” because of their natural inclination to question everything.

    They are intensely curious about the world around them and about people. They are absolutely fascinated by new ideas and ways of thinking. They have a great ability to learn from others, and are always searching for new experiences, new ways of doing things. They are constantly on the lookout for some new thing to do.

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