Personality List

    Torian Cadera Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Torian Cadera? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Torian Cadera from Star Wars The Old Republic and what is the personality traits.

    Torian Cadera

    ISFJ (9w8)

    Torian Cadera personality type is ISFJ, so there is no doubt that she is being genuine in this.

    She's pretty much one of the best and most honest Jounins I've ever met. She's very intelligent, mature, and loyal.

    I wouldn't trust her with my life, but I absolutely would trust her with my team. She would be the best Hokage ever, and she'd do great.

    Her personality has developed through the Kaa-san no Jo-jitsu! I feel like her personality is like a mix between Tsunade and Kakashi.

    She's strong, smart, and level-headed. She's very loyal to her friends and tries her best to protect them as much as possible.

    I think that if she became Hokage, she would try to protect the village with all of her might, but she would most likely never succeed.

    She's extremely intelligent, but she can also be a bit stubborn at times. She's very loyal and trustworthy, but she can be very stubborn.

    Most of the time, she can be seen with a smile on her face, but she can also be seen frowning when she's thinking about something.

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