Personality List

    Roman Nagel Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Roman Nagel? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Roman Nagel from Oceans Eleven Trilogy and what is the personality traits.

    Roman Nagel

    INTJ (5w4)

    Roman Nagel personality type is ENTP, I feel that if this is the case, that he is not only an ENTP, but also a Manipulator, and a Sociopath. This is supported by his public persona of the "Manipulator". He displayed sociopathic traits in his behaviour in the forum, and I think he displays contempt for humanity. He has shown this behaviour on many many occasions, so I'm not going to go into too much detail here.The reason I think that he is an ENTP is because from what I have seen of his posts, he uses a lot of the same logic and knowledge that I use, during his posts. The only difference is that he will use it to manipulate in a negative way, to get money or power. He has used his knowledge of logic in a very manipulative way to get attention from people on the forum.I think that he has all the key traits of an ENTP, and for this reason, I believe that he is an ENTP.

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