Personality List

    Bill, the Candy Store Owner Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bill, the Candy Store Owner? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bill, the Candy Store Owner from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory 1971 and what is the personality traits.

    Bill, the Candy Store Owner

    ENFP (2w3)

    Bill, the Candy Store Owner personality type is ENFP, which is a preference on the ENFJ dominant-function axis. This means that he is likely to have a strong feeling function, one that focuses on the significance of people and events as well as his own desires and wants. In other words, the ENFP is likely to be a “people person” who is highly engaged with others.

    I think that Bill is interested in helping people, and that is why he became a nurse. The fact that he has the Candy Store Owner personality type shows that he wants to be helping people in a positive way. He is a good listener and a helpful person, and he has a healing capacity because he feels strongly about his patients. The Candy Store Owner personality type is also likely to be highly creative, which makes sense because Bill loves to make up new recipes and sell them!

    So, the Secret Agent, the Mastermind, and the Candy Store Owner are all people-focused types. But there is one more – the Business Analyst – and this is the last result that we can see in Bill’s results.

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