Personality List

    White Crewmate Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of White Crewmate? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for White Crewmate from Among Us and what is the personality traits.

    White Crewmate

    INFP (9w1)

    White Crewmate personality type is INFP, which is an Introverted Intuitive Feeling Perceiving type.

    The Crewmate’s most notable features are their seemingly boundless energy, their desire to be helpful, and their constant need to be validated. Their self-image is generally that of a helpful, good-hearted person.

    Although Crewmates are usually very kind and giving, they can be quite stubborn at times. They’ll go along with what you tell them to do, but if you ask them to do something that they see as silly or unnecessary, they’ll immediately begin to complain about it.

    This personality type is often misunderstood by others as lazy or overly sensitive. They’re often criticized as being “too sensitive” because they don’t like to offend people by expressing their honest opinions. Sometimes, Crewmates will even refuse to say anything negative about other people because they don’t want to harm anyone’s feelings or cause any conflict. They just want to do what everyone else is doing and be accepted for who they are.

    Crewmates can be very loyal and will stick up for other people, particularly those whom they see as being mistreated.

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