What is the personality type of Irish Wolfhound? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Irish Wolfhound from Dogs & Cats and what is the personality traits.
Irish Wolfhound personality type is ISFJ, with a low score of 23.
This is the only wolfhound personality type that is not dog-like or wolf-like.
The most common wolfhound personality type is ISFJ with a score of 17.
The least common wolfhound personality type is ENTJ with a score of 8.
Want to know more about personality type? Take a free personality test.
Also, take a look at the most common personality types in the US.
Wolves, Dogs, and Personality Types
I don't think there is one way to define a personality type for wolves. There are many ways to define personality types for dogs, but I think that's different from personality types for wolves. For example, I think that a personality type for wolves might be defined as a set of behaviors, traits, characteristics, tendencies, and preferences that defines how a wolf relates to other wolves. Whereas a personality type for dogs might be defined as a set of behaviors, traits, characteristics, tendencies, and preferences that defines how a dog relates to other dogs.
I think it would be very interesting to study the differences between the personality types of wolves and the personality types of dogs.