Personality List

    Rutherford B. Hayes Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rutherford B. Hayes? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rutherford B. Hayes from Presidents Of The Usa and what is the personality traits.

    Rutherford B. Hayes

    ENTP (5w6)

    Rutherford B. Hayes personality type is ENTP, which is an extrovert.

    It is also possible that the writing style of Rutherford B. Hayes has influenced today’s politicians. Rutherford B. Hayes was very good with rhetoric. Hayes was able to inspire his audience to believe in him.

    There are still many other characteristics of Rutherford B. Hayes that have direct impact on our modern political system. The following are other characteristics of Rutherford B. Hayes that have influenced the political system today.

    Rutherford B. Hayes was a strong believer in religious values and values of self-reliance. Rutherford B. Hayes believed that the church should always be involved in politics.

    Rutherford B. Hayes believed that women should have the right to vote. Rutherford B. Hayes believed that the government should provide services that are necessary for its citizens.

    Rutherford B. Hayes believed that African Americans should be given equal rights during reconstruction after the civil war. Rutherford B. Hayes believed that race should not be a factor in someone’s political background or job opportunity.

    Rutherford B. Hayes wanted to make sure all Americans were able to vote and receive equal treatment under the law. Rutherford B.

    Rutherford Birchard Hayes (October 4, 1822 – January 17, 1893) was an American congressman, governor of Ohio, and the 19th president of the United States from 1877 to 1881. Hayes was a lawyer and staunch abolitionist who defended runaway slaves in court proceedings. He was seriously wounded fighting in the Union Army during the American Civil War.

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