Personality List

    Spenser Rapone Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Spenser Rapone? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Spenser Rapone from Other Contemporary Political Figures and what is the personality traits.

    Spenser Rapone

    INFJ (5w4)

    Spenser Rapone personality type is INFJ, which means that they are the most idealistic and idealist of all the types. INFJ’s are often extremely sensitive to their environment and how people treat them. INFP’s are often the most idealistic of all the types, but INFJ’s are far more so than INFP’s. INFJ’s are also the most empathetic of all the types. They are extremely aware of how they are being treated by others, and they can often find themselves feeling guilty about how they are treating others. INFJ’s are also known for being extremely intelligent, their wild imaginations, and their sensitive nature. These traits lead them to be the most idealistic, empathetic, and imaginative of all the types. INFJ’s can often be very sensitive to the feelings of others, but they often carry a sense of guilt about their own feelings, as well as a deep desire to be a better person. Thus, INFJ’s often have a difficult time feeling truly at peace, unless they find a way to make up for their past mistakes.

    Here is a list of some personality traits associated with INFJ personality type:

    Also known as the "Commie Cadet", Rapone caused controversy after posing in his West Point uniform with a sign in his cap that read "Communism will win." Rapone is a veteran, anti-war activist, and co-host of the podcast Eyes Left.

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