Personality List

    Bats Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bats? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bats from Gravity Falls 2012 and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (4w3)

    Bats personality type is INFP, and they value their autonomy and freedom.

    INFPs, like all the other letters in the Myers-Briggs system, are capable of being both extroverted or introverted. Having an introverted nature, INFPs are very private people, spending most of their time alone. Because of this, they can become depressed, because they aren’t able to socialize with other people.

    INFPs are also very sensitive individuals who are able to get hurt very easily. They are also very emotional, and are sometimes mistaken for being pessimistic. Because of their sensitivity, they aren’t able to deal with stressful situations well, which often makes them look like they are making decisions based on their emotions.

    An INFP’s type is strong in the functions of Introverted Feeling (Fi) and Introverted Sensing (Si). Fi is the dominant function for an INFP’s type, while Si is the secondary function. This makes an INFP feel confident in their decisions, while making sure that others are taken into consideration when making their decisions.

    INFPs are also very creative people who are often artistic.

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