Personality List

    Mace Tyrell Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mace Tyrell? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mace Tyrell from Game Of Thrones 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Mace Tyrell

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Mace Tyrell personality type is ESFJ, which stands for Extra Sensing Feeling Judging. This type is defined by its ability to understand, analyze and restructure the external environment around them. In other words, they are analytically minded. This type is a very good mediator and takes a practical approach to problems. They tend to be organized and good at delegating tasks as well as keeping things in order. This type focuses on the practical matters of life, and prefers to focus on the details rather than the big picture. They are clear and direct communicators with an innate sense of what is appropriate. ESFJs are hard workers who take their roles seriously by helping others and contributing to the greater good of society. They are very organized and dependable, however they may become strained with overly demanding authorities who do not respect their time. ESFJs have a tendency to become very put upon because of their need to provide for and help others. They are empathetic and caring, and are always willing to lend a helping hand.

    Mace Tyrell is a recurring character in the fourth, fifth and sixth seasons. He is played by guest star Roger Ashton-Griffiths and debuts in "The Lion and the Rose".

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