Personality List

    Maester Wolkan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Maester Wolkan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Maester Wolkan from Game Of Thrones 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Maester Wolkan

    ISFJ (1w9)

    Maester Wolkan personality type is ISFJ, and he is a “Proximate Idealist”.

    The ISFJ personality type is the most common in the world, making up about one-third of the population. ISFJs are good listeners who take great pride in their work, so they tend to be found in places like administration and teaching.

    You can identify whether someone is an ISFJ because they have a clear sense of their values and what is important to them. They are also willing to compromise when the situation warrants it, and will readily take the perspective of others. They are usually approachable and like to help others.

    ISFJs are not only warm and kind, but also work hard at what they do, and they usually have a good sense of humor. They are people who want to do the right things, and they want everyone around them to be happy. They are also willing to step in and help, especially if they see that a coworker is struggling in some way.

    ISFJs are very friendly, and their warmth and kindness make them popular among others. They are very loyal to those they care about, and their willingness to help makes them good coworkers.

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