Personality List

    Walder Rivers Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Walder Rivers? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Walder Rivers from Game Of Thrones 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Walder Rivers

    ISTJ (8w9)

    Walder Rivers personality type is ISTJ, or the Judging personality type. ISTJs are often referred to as the "Guardians" of society, and are often called upon to provide leadership to their peers and to be the person who keeps everyone in line. When it comes to their own emotions and feelings, ISTJs are typically pretty private and reserved, but also possess a very thick skin when it comes to the world around them. They have a tendency to be rather blunt, but also have a sense of duty and responsibility that will often carry them through the difficult times.

    ISTPs are often creative and are often thought of as the " technicians " of the personality types. They are often quick at being able to think on their feet, able to come up with solutions to problems which would seem impossible for other personality types. Their quick mind and ability to think on their feet makes them great at improvising solutions when things don't necessarily go as planned.

    Finally, INTJs are often called the "Masterminds" of the personality types, being able to come up with plans and solutions that others would have a hard time even imagining. INTJs are often quiet and serious, but also possess an incredible amount of integrity and loyalty.

    Walder Rivers is a recurring character in the third season. He is portrayed by Tim Plester. Walder is known as "Black Walder" for his temper and demeanor. He is a bastard son of his namesake Lord Walder Frey, Lord of the Crossing and head of House Frey.

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