Personality List

    François-Thomas Germain Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of François-Thomas Germain? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for François-Thomas Germain from Assassins Creed and what is the personality traits.

    François-Thomas Germain

    INFJ (8w9)

    François-Thomas Germain personality type is INFJ, or Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.

    In the INFJ personality type, the dominant function is Ni, a Functions-based function.

    The Si-based auxiliary function is a Judging function.

    The Se-based tertiary function is a Perception function.

    The Fe-based inferior function is an Intuiting function.

    The Fi-based tertiary function is a Sensing function.

    The Fe-Ti-Fe triad is known as the tertiary triad because it provides us with a sense of how People Functions work together to make up the whole person, as opposed to the more intuitive Ni-Ti triad which works as a team with Ni to give us a sense of how a person functions as a whole.

    For INFJs, the other two functions are auxiliary functions for extra information and perspective on how to express themselves.

    Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging (INFJ) Personality Type Characteristics

    The INFJ personality type is characterized by:

    Being Extraverted (Extraverted) – INFJs are very social and enjoy both small talk and one-on-one connections with others.

    François-Thomas Germain was a French silversmith who was often commissioned by European royalty and inherited the title of royal silversmith and sculptor to the King of France. In 1765, Germain broke guild regulations by working with financiers to receive some debts owed to him, as he was only allowed to enter into partnerships with his fellow smiths. For this he was forced to resign his position and declare bankruptcy. Germain died out of the public eye in 1791, the last member of his distinguished family to serve as a royal smith. Many of his works are now held in museums and private collections. Curiously enough, due to the French Revolution and other hazards of history, the biggest portion of his production now belongs to countries other than France—namely Portugal and Russia.

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