Personality List

    Jack Rackham Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jack Rackham? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jack Rackham from Assassins Creed and what is the personality traits.

    Jack Rackham

    ENTP (7w8)

    Jack Rackham personality type is ENTP, which stands for Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. ENTPs are the type most likely to be comfortable in a variety of social situations. They are quick to find friends and are likely to have a wide circle of acquaintances. They are more interested in ideas than in people, but are usually good at finding common ground with others. They are comfortable in leadership roles, but they are also great listeners and are good at creating group consensus.

    ENTPs are people-oriented, but they are not necessarily people-pleasers. They can be quite direct and have a rather dry sense of humor. They are loyal to the people they care about and will work hard to help them achieve their goals. ENTPs tend to be good at solving problems and creating new ideas, but they can be cynical and even pessimistic at times, and can be quite demanding and temperamental.

    If you think you might be an ENTP, here’s what to do:

    • Try to use your Extraverted Intuition as a way to generate ideas. Try to use your Extraverted Intuition as a way to generate ideas.

    John Rackham, commonly known as Calico Jack, was an English pirate captain operating in the Bahamas and in Cuba during the early 18th century. His nickname was derived from the calico clothing that he wore, while Jack is a nickname for "John". Rackham was active towards the end of the "Golden Age of Piracy" which lasted from 1650 to 1725. He is most remembered for having two female crew members: Mary Read and his lover, Anne Bonny. Rackham deposed Charles Vane from his position as captain of the sloop Ranger, then cruised the Leeward Islands, Jamaica Channel and Windward Passage. He accepted the King's Pardon in 1719 and moved to New Providence, where he met Anne Bonny, who was married to James Bonny at the time. He returned to piracy in 1720 by stealing a British sloop and Anne joined him. Their new crew included Mary Read, who was disguised as a man at the time.

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