Personality List

    King George Washington Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of King George Washington? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for King George Washington from Assassins Creed and what is the personality traits.

    King George Washington

    In the reality created by the Apple, Washington crowned himself king of the United States, used the Apple to obtain loyalty from his troops, and ruled from a massive pyramidic palace in New York. Under the Apple's influence, Washington became vicious and cruel with no trace of the humble but driven man that had led the Patriots to victory. Believing himself to have the Apple under control instead of the opposite, Washington used its power to control his troops and prominent allies he trusted most during the Apple dream, Benedict Arnold, Israel Putnam and Benjamin Franklin; these men became cruel, wielding absolute power and freely slaughtering innocents in droves. A small rebellion, led by former followers Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson, started up but was no match for the King's loyal Bluecoats.

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