Personality List

    Sora Takigawa/Gremlin Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sora Takigawa/Gremlin? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sora Takigawa/Gremlin from Kamen Rider and what is the personality traits.

    Sora Takigawa/Gremlin

    ENTP (7w6)

    Sora Takigawa/Gremlin personality type is ENTP, Ni-Ti-Te-Fi. ENTPs are called "the inventor". They love to make things and they are very good at it. They have a wide array of interesting interests and have a lot of energy. They can often be found tinkering with gadgets, making things, inventing things, and tinkering with things. ENTPs are highly intelligent and curious, so they like to explore and learn new things. They are very good with computers, especially since they love to tinker with things. Even when they aren't making and tinkering, they enjoy solving puzzles and word games. ENTPs are playful and sometimes mischievous, but they are also serious about their work and often take their jobs very seriously. For example, ENTPs might be very good at their jobs but if they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing, it can be a real problem for them. Many ENTPs are very creative and often have many creative talents. Even though they are not all that emotional, ENTPs can be very passionate when it comes to their work. They are also very eager to learn new things. Since they have a lot of energy, they like to go places and meet new people.

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