Personality List

    Reks Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Reks? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Reks from Final Fantasy Xii and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (6w5)

    Reks personality type is ISFJ, and that is definitely a high-functioning introvert. She will be the first to tell you she’s not really an extrovert, and she’s not really an introvert either. She’s just herself.

    I love her for it.

    I love her because she’s loyal and supportive and loving and funny and smart and just all-around excellent. I know she’ll always be there for me, no matter what.

    We’ve been best friends since the third grade. I knew her at that age, before it was even cool to be friends with someone who was into geeky stuff like science fiction and comic books, before I knew what the Internet was, before it meant anything to be a geek. Before I even knew what nerds were.

    We’ve gone through some rough patches in our friendship, but we always come back around to being best friends again. And I’m really hoping that we stay that way for a long time.

    But even before we were best friends, Reks was there for me when I needed someone to talk to.

    Reks is a minor character in Final Fantasy XII. Vaan's elder brother by two years, he fights to protect what little family he has left. Reks is the playable character during the game's prologue that works as a tutorial. Reks is a timid, somewhat pessimistic young man, unsure of himself but determined to fight for his brother and for Dalmasca. He joined the Order of the Knights of Dalmasca at the end of the war when it was already clear they could not win against the Archadian Empire. He respects his captains Basch and Vossler, and justifies his purpose within the army when Basch objects due to his age. Reks doesn't hesitate in the face of danger, and encourages others to go on while he stays behind alone to dispatch enemy soldiers, despite being the least experienced of their squad. Reks's honest and perhaps naive nature make him a perfect witness for the Empire to use in a conspiracy to set up Captain Basch.

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