Personality List

    Mick O'Brien Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mick O'Brien? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mick O'Brien from Bad Boys 1983 and what is the personality traits.

    Mick O'Brien

    ISTP (XwX)

    Mick O'Brien personality type is ISTP, that means that they are very analytical, tactical and concrete.

    Mick O'Brien is an ISTP. ISTP personality type is very analytical and concrete. These people are always thinking about the what (i.e. analyzing) and the how (i.e. acting) of the situation. They don't just go with gut feelings, but by thinking it through carefully.

    In this post, I will talk about the ISTP personality type, as well as its opposite, the ENFP.

    As you know, each of our four personality types has two opposite letters in its name that stand for two different personality functions (or "personalities"). Which function is dominant in each type depends on the combination of the two letters of the type's name:

    The dominant function of an individual depends on the position that the dominant function letter takes in combination with the other letters of the type's name (the same logic applies to the auxiliary function).

    If you combine the two letters that represent your dominant function with the other letters from your type's name, you will get a certain personality type:

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