Personality List

    Sephiroth Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sephiroth? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sephiroth from Final Fantasy Vii and what is the personality traits.


    INTJ (8w9)

    Sephiroth personality type is INTJ, which is also one of the character's types in the game.

    FFVII Advent Children

    As Cloud is trapped in the Nibelheim reactor, he enters his mind, where he realizes that he has become Sephiroth. Cloud's thoughts are interrupted by the appearance of Tifa, who reminds him that he was always able to take care of her, and that she loves him. Cloud begins to cry, and Tifa falls into his arms.

    They then confront Jenova, who reveals that she has been manipulating Cloud all along, and that she has uploaded his mind into her computer. She tells them that the only way to stop Jenova is to destroy the FFVII Memorial Remains, and while they ponder her words, Jenova takes control of their minds again. Cloud notices that Tifa is not responding, and he rushes to her side to find her dead. Jenova then reveals that it was all an act, and that she was only pretending to be dead. She then takes control of their minds once again, and leaves them to die in the reactor.

    After defeating Jenova, Cloud wakes up, only to find Tifa's body lying in front of him.

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