Personality List

    Sweet Ghost Girl Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sweet Ghost Girl? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sweet Ghost Girl from Coraline 2009 and what is the personality traits.

    Sweet Ghost Girl

    ISFJ (6w5)

    Sweet Ghost Girl personality type is ISFJ, which makes this entire series her.

    The first book, The Ghost of Gray Manor, focuses on Sophie's relationship with her parents. Her mother is the epitome of the Prima Donna (because she's an opera singer), and her father is like a parent to other characters. Sophie's left to fend for herself in everything she does, even in choosing her own life path. This is mainly because her parents are so wrapped up in themselves that they don't notice Sophie at all. They're both selfish, self-centered people. It's only when Sophie begins taking care of herself that they finally notice.

    The second book, The Ghost of Gray Manor, focuses on Sophie's adventures in Italy. This one isn't explored nearly as much as the first one. The events are more focused on Sophie learning to care for herself and hugging her parents to death.

    The third book, The Ghost of Gray Manor, focuses on the bad guy, who was introduced in the second book. This book covers her adventures in France, which are much more exciting than Italy.

    The fourth book, The Ghost of Gray Manor, focuses on Sophie's adventures in England. This one is very similar to the third one.

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